10 years ago- all my kids were home and I was one busy mama. Taking kids to dance lessons and doctors appointments. I think I was serving in YW then. We lived in the same house we live in now.
on my to do list-many sewing projects like the womans voices quilt, a scarf for cubs birthday coming up, a stitchery/quilty pillow for two weddings coming up...
5 places Ive lived- Payson Utah, Santa Ana California, Huntington Beach California, Provo, Orem, Salt Lake City and Lehi... that is every one, not just 5
5 jobs Ive had- christmas gift wrapper at a store, office assistant, cashier, shuttle driver, office driver.. going around to get the mail and other offices (Didnt like that one much) LPN at a clinic and a hospital and a nursing home. I have actually clapped my hands for money as well. again, more then 5
What I would do if I became a billionaire- be more involved in humanitarian work, serve a mission with my dh, travel, take care of my parents, buy more clothes and shoes for me and my people. Make my home the way we want it in more detail. Get rid of the annoying jeep and get Dave a different car.
bad habits- buying too much fabric, eating junk at about 3 pm, talking way too much, never folding socks, and never stopping at 5 of anything.. oh except kids :)
things I enjoy- a great sewing project while watching celestial tv like conference, KBYU tv, or a decent telestial movie,the best ya can hope for. Laying in my bed with my daughters and laughing while dh tries to go to sleep.. it's really funny. Hanging with my sibs and parents, snuggeling with who ever will snuggle with me, my kids, dh, even sweetie kitty. Dating my dh and talking with him and laughing with him.
things people don't know about me- I AM really sick right now...so headachy and sore throatish and my nose is totally doing its own thing.
also- I think I packed my camera battery recharger away with the christmas things. so I can not post pictures for a while :(
who do tag? jenny, brandi, and alisha!!