Tuesday, September 29, 2009

today I was with someone that made me wonder

I wonder if I am a whiner. I was with someone today that really made me think about that. I have made decisions in my life to put me where I am. Nothing tragical has happened to me. I've planned my life, followed the plan, and I hope I'm not a whiner about the results, that I chose.

Being with a whiner is such a downer. I don't want to be like that. I know there is a therapeutic place for downloading to a friend, but when it is all that is ever discussed, it is just wrong. (I want to ask these people, why did you become a teacher if you hate it? why did you have kids if you don't like to be with them? Why did you even get married if you hate it?)

It's true, I do my share of whining. Jim and Krista and Michelle get the most of my downloads, and of course Dave too. Now that I think of it, so many people make me think I am a whiner. bummer, but in my own defense I can laugh and joke and have a great time with all these folks. Being a downer is not the only part of my interaction with these friends.

On the flip side, there are people that have had very sad disruptions in their lives, yet they are positive and kind and uplifting. These people are like a breath of fresh air.

This is what I aspire to be, to look for the good and not complain about the choices I have made. I acknowledge not all my decisions are smart or the best, but I will move on and not let that bring me down. People can be so powerful, and they get to choose to which power they are working for.

I'm going to go for it- wish me luck :)

1 comment:

Karie said...

I would never call you a whiner Connie! You are definitely one of the funnest people to be with. So don't worry, we all need to bounce things off on someone else once in a while, but that is NOT whining. I would love to be more like you!