Sunday, June 17, 2012

The view

Friday David and I got up early to walk the trail of hope in historic Nauvoo. It is the path the saints took as they left Nauvoo for the last time. All along the path there are posts with the words of some that left. It was a very sweet experience with my great husband. We had a chance or go to the lands office and get information on some ancestors that lived in or around Nauvoo.
We went to the Gun makers house and shop. In the back yard, the view was familiar. David pointed out to me that we have a picture in our home by Lyndi Mott of the same vantage point. She painted it as it may have been the fall before the saints had to leave. I'll post a picture of that picture when I get home and we can see how close we were in our guess.
In the picture the small white fenced area was where a small baby's grave was discovered when they were excavating the land. That is where the little girl still is buried.
I've been blessed to be in Nauvoo a few times, and I will always love it. It is beautiful. It is full of history of love, joy, sorrow, and miracles. It's The City of Joseph.

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