Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Our 72 hour kit experiment

The results of our 72 hour kit eating experiment are in. One day of eating the limited food was just okay, even with cheating. My breakfast of a nutragrain bar and hot chocolate held me for about 1 1/2 hours. I had made a trip to costco with my sister and her littles and when they bought some pizza, I brought 2 slices home to the boys, and they each gave me a bite. Later, the ramen noodles were a little lacking since they had expired. The hard candy snack was not satisfying at all. Surprisingly the trail mix was great tasting after 18 months. The jerky was okay. The Vienna sausages were just too far out of what we usually eat to really enjoy. In talking with the family everyone else said it was all okay, but more food would have been better. I also realize that one day of this with the option of cheating is one thing. But having to go with this program for 3 days would really make me grouchy I think. SO the plan now is to keep the remaining 4 mylar bags in our 72 hour kit, for another 6 months, and add more things to the kit. We will definitely rotate out our food on a regular schedule. Some peanut butter and graham crackers, maybe some shelf stable milk, and dry fruit (like the mango's at costco?) need to be added. So now I'm on a hunt.

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