Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The View from my house

Monday I was in Provo. When I got on the freeway to come home I saw smoke coming from the mountains. It looked like it was just past the Mt. Timp temple. As I got closer to home, I realized that there must be a fire on the other side of the point-of-the-mountain. Sure enough. It was a brush fire and a little out of control. Some houses had been evacuated. Later that night it rained some. (I thought it was soley because I washed the car. Joseph told me I was wrong, it was because of the fire)
Yesterday as Dave and I came back from the airport, we saw some low smoke right where the fire actually was. It was such a shock to see it.
Well all is well now, but I did take a picture on Monday. Heres the view from right by the Westovers old home.. I know, so sad they moved

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