Sunday, January 15, 2012

A really awesome Friday 13

5 am on Friday the 13 I got a phone call inviting me to prepare to meet Kaylee. She wasn't born yet but would be soon. I sent my own birthday boy Joseph over to sleep the rest of the early hours over with big brother Jack. Laura had worked for the last 12 hours then was admitted to be "augmented" in labor. Her water was broken and she was given a tiny bit of pitocin and our new little love was born at 9:55 am. It was such a huge blessing to be there. Steve and I were in either side of Laura and I was even asked to cut the cord, which I had never done before. Im so thankful to Laura and Steve that I got to be there to witness the miracle and beauty of life. I kept thinking back 19!!! 19 years ago I was in exactly the same situation with my Joseph. It's easy to forget those things---
Right outside Laura's delivery room window, the spires of the temple kept reminding me how me how awesome this whole experience was. What an amazing day.


Laura Bowles said...

such a beautiful granddaughter you have there!

Lady Rynn said...

Congrats Grandma! She sure is beautiful!

Dixon Family said...

What a beauty! Congratulations... Grand babies are the best!

Camille Spence said...

Some of the coolest people are born on friday the my husband. I mean, hey, he's pretty dang awesome, no?
And she is GORGEOUS. And I've become pretty dang biased towards babies since having my own. (as in, all babies used to be cute 5 months ago, pre-birth of my baby, but now I have a standard to compare others to, and I think Kaylee is gorgeous.)