Tuesday, August 25, 2009

She did it!

Kim met one of her long time goals yesterday! I was driving back home with my two teenage sons when Jacob read a text that had come to my phone. (I love having extra eyes and ears in the car so I can still text, using them, while I drive) he read "I made theater ballet". I had to pull over because I got so emotional over it. I knew she had the audition, and had wondered and worried for her. Most of you know the tough road she's been on with her feet, plus her taking a year off ballet classes. Her attaining this goal is HUGE!! Theater ballet is BYUs best performing ballet company. There will be a few perks for her in being involved and she had her first practice this morning. Her first show is the second week in September. I think it is maybe homecoming spectacular, held in the Marriot Center. Kinda cool!!! I am so happy for her, because I know this makes her happy. We went out for subzero ice cream to celebrate. Only Jacob and I were able to meet her but all three of us totally celebrated!!Congratulations Kimmie girl!!


Tabby Grey said...

Tell her congratulations from us! That is wonderful!!!

JessWilson said...

Yay Kimmie! Way to go!

Karie said...

Kim! We are so proud of you, nice going. We want to come see you dance so let us know when you are performing, rehearsing, whenever it is a good time for us to be among the adoring crowd. We love you.